Candles for a cause
Anybody who knows me, knows I mainly obsess over two things - candles and chickens.
A quick glance through the Rain & Wild Insta features far too many videos of the bok-boking kind. And even though the little feckers relish destroying my beloved plants, I can’t lie - the fluffy butts bring a lot of light into my candle-making heart.
I never intended to have hens. They kind of just showed up and multiplied. Every time I’d check the LittleHill Animal Rescue page and see news of another rescue, I’d be hooked. Their scrawny necks, featherless bodies, their sad combs, and thousand yard stares. My heart would twinge and I’d think, I can fit one or two more.
But I really can’t anymore.
I’ve got Henny (a people person)
Jane AustHen (noisy, nosy, KILLS ALL MY PLANTS)
Phoebe (thinks she’s the boss)
Emily Chickinson (the real boss)
HeiHei (1.25 brain cells)
and the latest recruits, Bubbles (sounds like an ambulance), and Breadcrumb (currently rocking blue spray-paint).
Heihei and Henny taking a dust bath
As much as it hurts me to say, my flock is at capacity.
So if I can’t save any more hens, I’ve decided my goal is to support the charity that does.
That’s Little Hill Animal Rescue and Sanctuary.
Among many things, they take in hens destined for slaughter, and give them a chance to actually have a life. To feel dirt beneath claws and wind ruffling wings. To feel the rain and bask in the sun, and get toted around inside a wannabe farmer's puffy coat.
If you've followed Bubbles and Crumbs journey, you'll know that in the beginning, they hardly moved, they never made noise, and they ate like they were starving. They’d lived their entire lives in cages - they couldn’t grasp what freedom even meant.

Bubbles and Breadcrumb on their first day out of a cage
This year Littlehill have saved truck after truck of hens, all destined for a sad end. They’re the only reason I have my girls, and I can’t thank them enough. But homes are in short supply, and it takes a mountain of layers pellets to keep the fluffiteers going while they wait for a coop of their own.
Hence my plan.
Friday the 26th is traditionally Black Friday, which we all know is a day that's not so great for the planet. Overproduction of cheap products, increased carbon emissions, and not to mention the impulse buying and ending up with a rake of stuff that doesn't bring value to your life.
However, to steal a Chinese proverb I freaking love - it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
Last year in Ireland, many small businesses kicked Black Friday on its head and participated in something so much better - Green Friday.
Green Friday is an invitation not to hold yourself back from shopping, but to think about what you're buying, and who you're buying from. Think about the small, local businesses, the ones owned by your neighbours and friends. They're your community, and I can guarantee they light up inside when you order from them.
For businesses, Green Friday is a chance to give back in some way, to go a little further, to think about adding value to the world in some way.
So, what am I doing this Green Friday the 26th?
My Christmas candle collection will be launching on the 26th, and I've decided to donate 5 euro from the sale of every large candle, and 2 euro from my small candles. I'm going to put that money towards supplying LittleHill Animal Rescue with feed.
My goal? 25 bags of layers pellets.
That’s roughly half a ton of feed.
A crazy goal? Yes, probably.
I believe, with your support, that we can do this.
I've never known a more generous bunch of people than you folks who follow my Instagram page - I don't know how I lucked out and found the nicest people on the internet, but I'm so grateful for this little community.
So if you could do with some Christmas cheer in the form of delicious candles (c'mon, who doesn't? :D), as well as help out some very worthy chooks, take note.
As a great person once said, giving has never made anyone poorer. It'll certainly make some future fluffy butts very happy indeed.
I'm super excited for this Christmas candle launch, and I hope you are too! Stay tuned for updates friends.
Over and out,