Cosy Season Essentials

Crack those fluffy socks out and deck the halls with pumpkins people! It's officially sweater weather, and I'm here for it. I think most of us tend to dread the darker days of winter ahead, which is why it's important to keep yourself in a good place, both mentally and physically.

So it's time to combat those autumn blues with a sprinkling of cosiness. 

Here's what I've been doing to raise those comforting vibes.


I'm big into Lo Fi music right now. Dreamy and low key, the songs tick along like a grandfather clock in the background. Lo fi music feels like chilling in a nook with the rain pattering at the window. There's a candle flickering on the table and a cat snoozing on your lap. Check out a song called with you in my arms for some lazy Sunday vibes.

Terra Firma by The Daylights - this band isn't around anymore, but this song has been knocking around my playlists for years at this point. Play this one loud for head bobbing good vibes. 

Gnossienne No.1. by Satie for moody piano vibes. I don't know about you, but to me this song is the ultimate soundtrack to a haunted house story. It sounds like old-money chandeliers, sprawling staircases, and gothic mansions. Try it for some subtle creepy vibes that'll make you clutch your dressing gown a little closer.

Palais de Mari by Morton Feldman - for some aesthetic piano to zone out to. It's half an hour long, but you don't feel the time go by, trust me. On the surface, not a lot happens...but the dissonant notes seem to expand and push at the borders caging your mind. Cut adrift, where will you go? 

gothic hallway with arches


Let it be known that I am vehemently against the genre of horror in movies or tv shows (books are OK though). Therefore I won't be throwing out any spooky suggestions to have you hiding behind your pillow.

I prefer cosy comfort-food shows. And Bee & Puppycat is where it's at. This animated show is whimsical and nonsensical, yet the story and characters are surprisingly heartfelt. Just don't ask too many questions in the beginning. You can watch a season of it on YouTube. And please tell me if you watch it! I'll need to hear your thoughts because this is my favourite show ever.


Beartown (Fredrik Backman) is the perfect read for dark evenings. One of his more serious books, and in my opinion, the best he's written. Get lost in the drama of a small Swedish town, where the intense and bloodthirsty sport of ice hockey rules the hearts and minds of the people. Thought-provoking, this is one that'll be glued to your hands. 

Beartown book


Mulled wine = the nectar of the gods. As soon as October 1st hits I'm cracking open the cheap wine and dusting off the star anise and nutmeg (which sadly sit in the press unused for the rest of the year). 

My recipe:

Glug a bottle of wine into a big saucepan. Add clove studded cut mandarins, apple quarters, nutmeg shavings, a cinnamon stick, two star anise, and a couple of juniper berries. I add in a hefty dose of sugar (usually 2-4 tablespoons) although you don't strictly need to. Bring to the boil and turn the heat down. Simmer for 20 mins and then it's good to go. If you can possibly bring yourself to wait 24 hours, it'll taste at least twice as good the next day as the flavours infuse. 

mulled wine  


As someone perennially unable to stop doing things, this time of the year can become more of a challenge as the outdoors aren't so inviting. To keep myself busy, I've been learning to crochet. It's an immensely frustrating hobby in the beginning -- fiddly, ungainly, and requiring an abundance of patience. 

I'm at the point where I can happily make one stitch, so I've been obsessed with making woolly hats using ye olde half double crochet. I can't read patterns to save my life, so YouTube has been my go to. If you need a hat, hit me up. I'll soon have enough to build my own hat-fort. You shoul give this a go if you like making stuff and need to keep your hands busy.

I've also been testing out my new Autumn candle - and I have to say if you like cinnamon, this could be the one for you. I'm EXTREMELY picky about scents, so it was essential that the cinnamon wasn't overpowering (I can't stand 'in your face cinnamon', it's gotta be mellow, sweet, and warming, not 'holy christ who exploded a spice factory in here').

This candle definitely needs a longer length of time to become noticeable in a room, but I promise you it's worth it. Cinnamon lovers, I gotchu.

Coming soon to a candle store near you! 

Over and out,


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